Online Quiz Gambling

  • (8 – 27 Points) High Risk Gambler
    A person scoring in this range may be gambling dependent and is experiencing a substantial level of gambling related problems.
  • (3 – 7 Points)Moderate Risk Gambler
    A person scoring in this range will already be experiencing some problem related to their gambling.
  • (1 – 2 Points) Low Risk Gambler
    Experienced one or two minor problems related to their gambling.
  • (0 Points) Non Problem Gambler
    Experienced no problems in the last year

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Signs you or someone you know may have a gambling problem

  1. Test yourself with our free English language quiz about 'Idioms- Gambling'. This is a free advanced English grammar quiz and esl worksheet. No sign-up required.
  2. Psych Test Homepage Are you addicted to gambling? This gambling test from Gamblers Anonymous offers the following questions to anyone who may have a gambling problem. These questions are provided to help the individual decide if he or she is a compulsive gambler and wants to stop gambling.

Us Online Gambling

There are a variety of signs that may indicate someone you know has a problem with their gambling. The more signs they show, the greater the chance of a problem.
The following test is 100% anonymous and should only be used as a guide. If you are in any doubt about your own gambling or the gambling of somebody you know then please consult a specialist in this field or contact your local GP.
Take the quiz to find out the level of risk: