Gambling Will Not Make You Rich

If you don't have any chance of winning something of value, you're not gambling. Gambling requires that there is a chance you might win something for your bet, whether it's money, property, or even more chances to play. Further, courts have ruled that you personally don't need to have placed any wager to be convicted of gambling. Stop second-guessing yourself. Every casino game offers you a fair chance of winning.

  1. Gambling Will Not Make You Richer
  2. Gambling Will Not Make You Rich Fast
  3. Gambling Will Not Make You Rich Asians

Online casino games are very popular games in the UK. Let me make it clear, the concept of the finest online casino UK has come a long way. At first, internet gambling was not appreciated due to slow internet speed. Hence, in this day & age, much has changed and you can now enjoy internet gambling with great convenience. Gambling is one of the most insidious of human vices, as it presents the illusion of easy money yet can quickly lead to financial ruin. The odds are never in your favor whether it is poker, blackjack or anything else; gambling is a successful industry because the house always wins.

Gambling is a system of selling hope in exchange for money. Hope springs eternal, but money always runs out. New statistics show just how hopeless your futile dreams of striking it rich really are.


You are not going to win the lottery. Nor are you going to make your fortune over a weekend at a casino. And now, with the release of reams of new data, we can safely say that you are not going to make any money by sitting at home all day gambling online, either. The Wall Street Journalsummarizes the results of two years worth of data from thousands of online gamblers playing virtual casino games:

You Are Not Going to Win the Lottery, You Fool

The Mega Millions jackpot is half a billion dollars. A cool half-billion. You could use that money, …

Gambling Will Not Make You Richer

On any given day, the chances of emerging a winner aren't too bad—the gamblers won money on 30% of the days they wagered. But continuing to gamble is a bad bet. Just 11% of players ended up in the black over the full [two year] period, and most of those pocketed less than $150.

These numbers apply whether you're playing blackjack and roulette online, or in person at a casino. A change of location will not improve the statistics for you.

In other words, you'd be far better off financially picking up a single penny off the sidewalk, and then doing nothing else for two years, than you would be by gambling continuously for two years, even if you consulted the 'Lucky Numbers of the Day.'

Gambling Will Not Make You Rich Fast

This is the real world. There are no shortcuts. Ditch your pie-in-the-sky dreams. The only way to get rich is through good old-fashioned, roll-up-your-sleeves, relentless, determined, unceasing hard work. Or by having rich parents.

Gambling Will Not Make You Rich Asians

[Photo: Flickr]