Buffy Spike Kitten Poker
- “Why are there kittens and why is Spike’s jacket in here?” She came over and set the lunch on Buffy’s side table, before sitting down next to her, still looking around confused. “Oh, well, I uh broke up a game of kitten poker last night.” Yes, that was true. “Spike was there-” also true “-and I decided to save the kittens.”.
- Xander sighed, knowing that he was caught. Faith had been right; it had taken Spike and Buffy all of five minutes to get over being mad and go straight to the sex. Xander had bet on fifteen, thinking that Buffy would surely pop him in the nose at least once for not calling.
- Buffy Spike Kitten Poker Games
- Buffy And Spike Fanfiction Sites
- Buffy And Spike Relationship
- Buffy Spike Kitten Poker Tournaments
“I won the bet, which means I get to pick the game, and we’re playing strip poker.” Faith stared him down. “What? You’ve got something to be ashamed of?”
Xander sighed, knowing that he was caught. Faith had been right; it had taken Spike and Buffy all of five minutes to get over being mad and go straight to the sex. Xander had bet on fifteen, thinking that Buffy would surely pop him in the nose at least once for not calling.
Now, he and Faith were stuck in the house together, waiting for Giles’ arrival. The head Watcher was flying in from England, and someone had to be there for him. They’d drawn the short straw, and they had to do something while they were waiting.
“All right. I’ll grab the deck of cards.” Xander found a spare deck in the junk drawer and started shuffling. “How are we doing this?”
“You’ve never played poker before?”
Spike (BtVS) Additional Tags: Spike takes Xander to Kitten Poker; Spike wins thanks to Xander; Extra kitty is given to Xander; Feelings start happening; season 6; Buffy and Spike were never together; Buffy doesn't remember Heaven so happiness; go with it; Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net; William the Kitten; Angst and Fluff; Happy Ending. Completely hammered, Buffy went with Spike to a bar where he played poker (using kittens as currency) and searched for information. After the poker game ended badly, Buffy ranted to Spike about the new low her life has reached with her inability to understand school or get a decent job.
“I’ve never played strip poker,” he corrected her.
She shrugged. “Instead of chips, you bet clothes. If you’re naked, you lose.”
He began to deal. “I know I’m going to regret this,” Xander muttered.
Faith looked over her hand. “So, why’d you come to Cleveland?”
“The apocalypse, what else?”
“Figured you’d stay in Africa.”
“Buffy said a reunion would be nice.” He looked around the living room of the Cleveland headquarters. “Where’s Wood? I haven’t seen him the last couple of days.”
She stared at her cards. “What are you betting?”
“My right shoe,” he replied, “and you didn’t answer my question.”
She smirked at him. “Coward.”
“No, just cautious. You?”
Faith’s expression was daring. “My bra.”
His eyes went wide. “Don’t you have to bet your shirt first?”
“Not if you do it right.”
Xander almost choked, beginning to feel a little warm. “Yeah, okay.”
“He left,” she replied as she discarded two of her cards.
He got rid of one and quickly dealt three. “Any reason?”
“I wasn’t the Slayer he wanted.”
He was surprised to find himself sympathetic. “Yeah. I could see he had that whole ‘mommy complex’ going for him.”
Faith frowned. “What?”
“His mom was a Slayer, right?” Xander pointed out. “He was sniffing around Buffy for a while, and then you. He was trying for a replacement mother.”
She snorted. “I’m no one’s mother.”
“That’s his problem, not yours.”
Her eyes took on a new respect for him. “Yeah, I guess it is.” She laid her cards down, revealing a flush. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
He looked from her cards to his own, then began unlacing his shoe. “This is going to be a long night.”
Faith’s eyes went wide as Xander pulled his t-shirt off over his head. He’d lost some weight, and it was clear that he’d been working a lot more than he’d been eating.
He tossed his shirt to the side. “See something you like?”
She met his good eye. “Maybe.”
He flushed, then began reshuffling the deck. “What’s it going to be this time?”
“My shirt.” Faith had already lost her bra, and she could have bet her pants, but she’d never been one to play it safe. Besides, if Xander was distracted, all the better. “You?”
She took the cards he dealt. “Does it bother you?”
“That.” She pointed at his eye patch.
He touched it self-consciously. “Nah. Chicks dig it.”
“Only if you’ve got a story to go with it,” Faith responded. “What do you tell them?”
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You make something up, right?” she asked. “It’s not like you can tell them that some crazy ex-priest possessed by the First Evil poked it out.”
His lips quirked. “No, I usually tell them that it was a construction accident.”
“Lame,” she judged. “You’ve got to do better than that if you’re going to get laid.” At the expression on his face, she sat back. “You have been laid sometime in the recent past, right?”
He pulled out three cards and put them down. “Of course.”
“No, you haven’t,” she accused, getting rid of two cards. “How long has it been?”
“None of your business,” Xander snapped.
Faith raised her eyebrows. “Oooh, temper.”
“Shut up.”
She suddenly remembered something Buffy had told her, after the Hellmouth had been closed, about Xander grieving. “Not since Anya, huh?”
Instead of replying, he dealt the cards.
Faith let the awkward silence hang, thinking that she’d probably crossed a line. Not that she cared, but she felt the need to say something. “You could always tell the girls you got gored by a wild boar or something.”
“They’d never believe it,” he replied. “I prefer telling them that I got knifed by a mugger while saving a friend’s life.”
“Not bad,” Faith admitted. “What about getting attacked by a rabid gopher?”
A reluctant smile formed. “We don’t have gophers in Africa.”
“Never been there.”
“Would you want to go?”
“What would I do in Africa?” she asked.
“Same thing you’re doing here,” he replied. “There’s plenty of evil in Africa to fight.”
“Are you going back?”
“Yeah, eventually.” He smiled crookedly. “It’s nice to have hot water for a while.” Xander put his cards down. “Full house.”
Faith looked at her flush and smiled ruefully. She put her cards down and pulled her shirt over her head—slowly. When she tossed her shirt aside, his jaw was slack. “Like what you see?”
She could hear him swallow. “Uh…”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Faith would never find out what he would have said, because Angel and Giles entered the house, arguing.
“I wasn’t evil!” Angel protested.
“It was an evil law firm,” Giles shot back. “What was I—” He stopped, staring at Faith.
“Faith?” Angel choked out.
She smiled, not bothering to reach for her shirt. “Hey, Angel.”
Giles quickly averted his eyes. “What is going on here?”
“We’re playing strip poker,” Faith replied, feeling as though the answer to that question should have been obvious. She rose from her position on the floor. “Looks like it’s a tie, Xander.”
Xander scrambled to his feet. “I guess so.”
“Come on,” Faith seized his arm. “I think it’s time to get you back on the horse.”
Much like the first time, Xander didn’t offer a protest, although Faith had a feeling that the strip poker had softened him up considerably…so to speak.
It was time they both moved on.
Your top 10 Buffy/Spike Moments:
(People who's list has only 5 moments were originally from 'All Of You')
1.Rachel ll www
1. The scenes from 'Touched' in the abandoned house where Spike comforts and holds Buffy, giving her strength...especially where he tells her she's a 'hell of a woman.'
2. The church scene in 'Beneath You' when Buffy learns that Spike has a soul.
3. Willow's spell from 'Something Blue' that makes the couple think they're engaged. I especially love the bantering at the beginning.
4. The very end of 'Fool For Love' where Spike confronts Buffy on her back porch and ends up sitting with her instead of killing her.
5. The last scene of 'Intervention' where Spike reveals he didn't say anything to Glory and Buffy thanks him with a kiss.
6. The very end of 'Once More With Feeling' where we see their first intense kiss.
7. 'Chosen' -- their last scene together.
8. The last scene of 'Smashed' going into...
9. Their morning after scene in 'Wrecked'
10. When Buffy rescues Spike from the First at the end of 'Showtime.'
2. Andrea
1. Buffy tells Spike she loves him in 'Chosen.'
2. Buffy rescues Spike in 'Showtime.'

3. Spike's dream in 'Out of my Mind.'
4. Buffy tells Spike, 'I believe in you' in 'Never Leave Me.'
5. Spike and Buffy hold hands while they're on fire in 'Chosen.'
3. Rob
1. Kiss at end of OMWF. He eventually gets his girl!
2. I'm not ready for you not to be here' moment :-)
3. Kitten Poker.
4. End of Beneath You - 'Can we rest now?'
5. 'I'm using you William.'
4. Jodi
1. The fight in 'Harsh Light of Day.'
2. The stair scene in 'After Life.'
3. The stair scene in 'The Gift.'
4. The kiss in OMWF. FINALLY!!
5. The whole final scene between B/S in 'Chosen.'
5. Jennie
1. Buffy's acceptance of Spike in the end scene of 'Intervention.'
2. The first meeting of the two in 'School Hard.'
3. Spike's confession at the end scene of 'Beneath You.'
4. Two-sided interrogation in 'Never Leave Me.'
5. Being reintroduced to one another in 'Afterlife.'
6. Trudie
1. End scene in 'Beneath You.'
2. Teaching Potentials and Buffy checks on injured Spike
3. 'After Life' - coming down the stairs.
4. 'Something Blue.'
5. Spike's dream in 'Out of My Mind!'
1. Buffy and Spike in 'Flooded,' the way he pats her shoulder.
2. 'Never Leave Me' - Buffy wiping the blood of his face.
3. The wind rising kiss in 'Once More With Feeling' - the hero gets the girl.
4., Randy and Joan in 'Tabula Rasa' - The way they trust each other and almost kiss.
5. Everything about 'Dead Things.'
8.Caroline ll www
1. Scene in abandoned house during 'Touched'. Makes me cry every time.
2. Willow's spell in 'Something Blue'. You gotta love lovey-dovey Spuffy.
3. The scene in 'Potential' where Buffy's checking his ribs and he holds her hand.
4. 'OMWF'. Surprisingly, not the kiss. The part where she's about to go up in flames and he stops her.
5. 'The Gift'. when Buffy finally invites him back into her house and he's all 'I know that I'm a monster...' *sniff* *sniff*
6. The church scene in 'Beneath You'. I'm crying just thinking about it.
7. 'Showtime' when she frees him. DO YOU SEE THE LOVE?!
8. 'Chosen' - The last scene was good but also the basement scene where she tells him he's her champion!
9. 'Afterlife'. Do you see the tenderness in his eyes when she's walking down the stairs? So much love!
10. 'End of Days' scene when she and him have the whole 'maybe when....' thing going on. I LOVE IT!
9.Carly ll www
1. The 'Were you there with me?' 'I was' moment in End of Days.
2. Buffy defending Spike to Giles in 'Lies My Parents Told Me' - 'There's a connection between you'
3. The looks Buffy and Spike give each other in 'Potential' when they take the SIT's to the bar. It's just so 'Kids today, huh?'
4. 'God, help me Buffy, it's still all about you' in Sleeper.
5. Spike being jealous of Richard in 'Older and Far Away' - 'Ooh, Buffy, can I get you a soda pop? I think I'm in loooove'
6. The 'You're the one' scene in Touched.
7. The crypt door scene in Dead Things, the 'Do you even like me?' discussion and the hallucinations.
8. 'I love you' 'No, you don't. But thanks for saying it'
9. The discussion in 'Never Leave Me' about since Spike fell in love with Buffy he's 'Come to redefine the terms pain and torture'
10. 'You risked everything to be a better man. And you can be. You are' Love that scene.
10.Haley ll www
1. The scenes in 'Touched', obviously.
2. 'Chosen'. Need I say more?
3. In 'Potential' when they are demonstrating something to the potentials, and Spike is still hurt, and she tries to help him out, and he holds her hand...aww.
4.The end of 'Intervention'.
5. Their first REAL kiss in 'Once More with Feeling.'
6. 'Something Blue.'
7. When they bring the house down in 'Smashed'.
8. In 'Gone' when she rips open his shirt. Yum.
9. When Buffy finds out Spike is in love with her.
10. When they tell Buffy's mom that they're in a band. :o)
11.Priscilla ll www
1. The whole 'giving the amulet' scene. 'That pride thing was just a smoke screen.' 'Thank God.'
2. In 'Fool for love', the porch scene.
3. 'Can we rest now?' Church scene in 'Beneath You'.
4. ---
5. Buffy re-invites Spike in her house in 'The Gift', and he swears to protect Dawn ('Until the end of the world, even if that happens to be tonight.')
6. 'Gotta hand it to you, Goldilocks. You do have bleeding, tragic taste in men.' In season 4, when Professor Walsh tries to kill Buffy. 'I got a cousin married to a regurgitating Frovalox demon that's got better instincts than you.' Hilarious.
7. Spike and Buffy sitting in the DeSoto during 'Crush'. 'Do you like the Ramones?'
8. Randy and Joan. 'Ready Randy?' 'Ready Joan.'
9. 'Lies my parents told me.' The scene at the very end. 'You try anything again, he'll kill you. (Robin laughs) More importantly, I'll let him.'
10. This would've been a lot higher up there if Spike hadn't returned for Angel in Season 5. 'I love you.' 'No you don't, but thanks for saying it. I wanna see how it ends.' Then he bursts out laughing and coughing in flames.
12.Mandy ll www
1. Abandoned house scene in 'Touched'. One of my favorite scenes ever!
2. Buffy saving Spike in 'Showtime'.
3. The ending of 'Beneath You'.
4. 'Something Blue'
5. Randy and Joan in 'Tabula Rasa'.
6. The kiss at the end of OMWF.
7. Buffy telling Spike she loves him in 'Chosen'.
8. When Buffy checks on Spike and he holds her hand in 'Potential'.
9. Bringing down the house in 'Smashed'.
10. Kitten poker in 'Life Serial'.
13.Enchantress ll www
1. Touched - you all know the scene! *Swoon*..
2. Showtime - where he realizes it's really Buffy who's come to rescue him and they walk off together.
3. Afterlife - where he gazes up at her from the bottom of the stairs, and then holds her hurt hands.. aww..
4. Potential - the touchey bit at the beginning, and then the Amanda chat about the 'badness', and of course the 'When did you find his crypt comfy?' awkward moment later on. So, so cute.
5. Never Leave Me - 'I believe in you..'
6. Hells Bells - 'You Glow'.. and all the sweetness that went on in that scene.
7. Life Serial - the kitten poker, and the bit before in his crypt.. especially the dimpled smile he gives her. So, so cute.
8. Gone - naughty invisible Buffy and her naughty invisible fun with Spike.
9. Chosen - the champion talk.
10. Chosen - the bit where she goes down to see him. We'll never know what happened.. but I love to imagine.
14.storywise ll www
1. Smashed sex scene.
2. Beginning of Wrecked.
3. Intervention Kiss.
4. Buffy/Spike interaction in Becoming II.
5. Buffy's dream sequence during Dead Things...especially the bed part.
6. As soon as the music starts playing -- Buffy and Spike place their hands opposite eachother on the crypt door -- all the way up until the song cuts off. (Dead Things.)
7. Conversation between Buffy and Spike before the Attempted Rape in Seeing Red
8. Something Blue - Spike's chained to Giles's bathtub and Buffy's all, 'look at my poor neck.'
9. Can I combine, Who are You?/Superstar into one? Those two epis' really established that there's a real mutual attraction there between them underneath all the bluster and bs.
10. 'I have come to redefine the words pain and suffering since I fell in love with you.' Spike's words to Buffy in Never Leave me.
15.Tami Brandt ll www
1) Buffy finally telling Spike she loves him in 'Chosen'
2) 'School Hard' PTA fight scene
3) 'Dead Things' where Spike tries to take care of everything for her
4) 'Becoming Part 2' when Spike forms a truce with Buffy
5) 'Fool For Love' when Spike shows her how the other slayers made a mistake
6) 'Harsh Light of Day' Fight in the Quad
7) 'Afterlife' when she confides in him at the end
8) Any Spuffy sex scene
9) 'Tabula Rasa' kiss
10) 'Into The Woods' when Spike alerts her to what Riley is up to
Buffy Spike Kitten Poker Games
16.Jess ll www
1) Spike tells the scoobies how wrong they are for voting Buffy 'off 1630 revello' in Season 7.
2) Spike has a deep confessional with Buffy and heartfelt words following the scoobies casting her out.
3) Buffy sacrifices Angel to save the world.
4) Willow desperately misses Tara and loves her, all the while unknowning 'The First Evil' is toying with her mind.
6) Xander discusses Anya with Xander in 'Chosen' proclaiming 'That's My Girl...'
7) Faith at the end of 'Chosen' asks Buffy '...how's it feel?'
8) Willow & Xander's movie game in season two.
9) Buffy feels a little sibling rivalry with Dawn when Joyce refers to Dawnie as her 'lil' pumpkin belly'
10) Just about everything season two has to offer!!
17.kate ll www
1. Spike tells Buffy he loves her in 'Touched'
2. 'Angel said its belongs to a champion' when spike gets the medal in 'Chosen'
3. 'No you don't but thanks for saying it' at the end of 'chosen'
4. When Spike tells Buffy he saw her kissing Angel 'Clearly you don't cause the whole thing was a smoke screen' in 'Chosen'
5. The first time they sleep together in 'Smashed'
Buffy And Spike Fanfiction Sites
6. The kiss at the end of OMWF
Buffy And Spike Relationship
7. When they sleep together at the back of the Double Meat Palace
8. 'I'm using you and its killing me,' when Buffy rejects Spike.
Buffy Spike Kitten Poker Tournaments
9. Kitty poker
10. When Spike tries to rape Buffy, (sounds weird, but very metaphorical, WELL DONE JOSS)
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